We are taking y’all through a journey of the world’s soft white underbelly: black market organ harvesting. Alongside exploring the macro component of organ trafficking in this episode, we will be focusing on the micro component of the case of model Ryan Singleton. In September of 2013, two months after seemingly vanishing into thin air, Ryan's body was found in an area that had already been extensively searched by law enforcement officials, less than two miles from where he was last seen and missing most of his internal organs. Is it too crazy to believe that Ryan Singleton was murdered, his organs harvested, and then sold on the black market in some underground organ trafficking ring? Due to his sexual orientation, was he murdered as a hate crime? Did he get into some trouble with the wrong people and was the victim of a terrible crime? One thing is for sure, though: a young, healthy, up-and-coming star did not just collapse in the Mojave Desert. Ryan's family are adamant that foul play was surely involved. Ryan Singleton’s puzzling death is still an open case in the state of California and Ryan’s family and friends are still desperate to find out what happened to their beloved son, brother, and friend. If you have any information about what may have happened to Ryan Singleton, please contact the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Office at 909-884-0156 to help bring closure to Ryan’s family.
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Art for the podcast was created by Kelly Steen. Editing/Production for the podcast by BLTZWOLF - Bltzwolff@gmail.com
WILDCIDE Podcast and any content posted is presented solely for general informational, educational, and entertainment purposes. The use of information on this podcast or materials linked from this podcast or website is at the user’s own risk. It is not intended as a substitute for the advice of a physician, professional coach, psychotherapist, or other qualified professional, diagnosis, or treatment. Users should not disregard or delay in obtaining medical advice for any medical or mental health condition they may have and should seek the assistance of their healthcare professionals for any such conditions.
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Best up-and-coming true crime podcast. It’s different in the best kind of way. I’m not really a person for true crime ... but! I am one for interesting interviews which they excel in. Great job ladies.
Saturday Jan 27, 2024
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